I challenged myself to walk 1 mile a day for 14 days. I know what you’re thinking….walk? Yes. As someone who does not like to exercise, unless dancing is involved, walking is not fun for me. So walking 1 mile for 14 days when I really don’t have to, is what I would consider a challenge.

Why Walking 1 Mile?
I knew I could do it physically but I wanted to see if there were any improvements in my time to walk the mile, measurements, and in my weight. There are great benefits to walking for your overall health. And at my size jogging for any length of time wouldn’t be good for my joints. One mile seemed like it would be long enough to give me some health benefits and not so long that I couldn’t complete it. As I progress on my health journey and lose more weight, I’ll probably challenge myself to go farther. I see a Disney 5k in my future.
Why 14 days?
I figured I wouldn’t see much result from 1 week. And frankly, I don’t know if I would’ve completed it if I tried for 30 days. So 14 days seemed like long enough to make it a challenge but short enough that I would actually finish it. At least that was my initial thought.
The Results
So I honestly wanted to quit after a few days in. I’m definitely not used to exercising daily. Bad I know. But I’m just starting my health journey remember? But I preserved! I kept going and completed the full 14 days. More than I can say for my son who stopped walking with me after the first week. But he was just trying to keep me company anyway.
So I walked. Through the cold days. Through the hot days. On days that I had other obligations. I walked. It wasn’t fun. Not for me anyways. But there was still this sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that I had after each walk. I was proud of myself. It felt good to be doing something good for myself and pushing through even when I didn’t want to. I felt like a boss!
And look how my walking time improved! One day was even under 19 minutes. Go me!

After my 14 days I had minimal changes in my measurements. I really wasn’t expecting much. I’m not really sure what happened with my thigh measurement. Something was very off there. Lol

As far as my weight I have 2 weights to show you. So the first is just my weight during the days of the challenge. The second is from my actual weigh in day before I started the challenge and my weigh in day after the challenge. Either loss, I’ll take it.

The third change I notice is in my pictures. I took pictures the day before I started the challenge and the day after I finished. It’s a small change but I can actually see where my tank top is a little looser and there’s less bulge at the top of my belly. (More comparison pics on the video)

Would I Walk for Exercise Again?
Realistically I’m sure I’ll take my kids for a walk by the water sometimes. Plus we like to walk and explore new parks so there’s always that. But as far as walking a mile consistently. I honestly probably won’t do it until I lose more weight. I used to run when I was stressed when I was thinner so I do want to run. But I can’t right now at my size without risking injury. Maybe after I lose about 50lbs I’ll pick it back up again. So for now, I dance!